Our messaging services include A2P, P2P, P2A, Two-way Messaging, Enterprise Messaging, Bulk Messaging, Promotional Services, Viber Messaging, WhatsApp Messaging, Messaging Campaigns, and others.
We cover a list of direct routes terminating directly to the MNOs or through a 1 hop trusted partner to a huge list of destinations in different regions. Our main focus is on the quality of the termination and the guaranteed CR within a minimum delivery time.
Our infrastructure allows different types of connectivity and our messaging gateways are fully redundant and secure. GDPR, privacy policies, and data protection are among our highest concerns.
Our technical support and interconnection teams are available 24/7 to provide any needed support on any messaging requirements and to ensure fast interconnection.
Our platforms support different messaging encodings, error codes, message length, concatenation, SenderID filtering, number blacklisting, delivery reports, charging methods, and other reporting tools.
We are not only limited to bilateral and transactional messaging, but we also offer our SMS Gateway Management and A2P Monetization services.